Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Battlefields fan fic

My new Star Wars fan fic, the first I have written in three years, is now available to download and read from my web site. I am really pleased that it is finished as I had set myself a deadline of the end of January to complete it. Of course, it is not perfect, there are still parts that I am not happy with but I think it is sufficient in itself to see the light of day and hopefully the critical eye of some Star Wars fans!


Derek said...

I finally got around to reading your latest SW tale! Well done, it was a fun read. Poor old Droost, eh!

Do you think you could get Gerald to draw one or two pictures from it, and maybe expand the story? I think you could re-structure it to make it longer.

Mark said...

That's an interesting idea Derek. Certainly there is the possibility of expanding the story and I had a lot of ideas that I didn't use in the finished version. I was thinking of posting the story to FanForce as well as they have a FanFic section.

If we see Gerald over the summer months (perhaps the Indy meet?) I will ask him if he'd be interested in illustrating.

Derek said...

yes, you should talk to Gez when we meet up for "Indy Jones 4" in Brum. Just get him a copy of the story and we can all come up with some ideas for his illustrations!

Fanforce site on facebook would be a good place to put it as well.

Derek said...

Are you going to update this blog? As far as "Star Wars" goes, we could chat about "Clone Wars" on here?

hope you are ok! See you soon,

Derek :)