Saturday, 1 December 2007

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Hello and welcome to my new Star Wars blog! You've taken your first steps into a larger world... So why the title Delta Source? Well, for any fan of the Timothy Zahn Thrawn Trilogy will know that Delta Source was a spy network in the Senate using ch'hala trees established by Emperor Palpatine and a source of invaluable intelligence on the New Republic during Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign. I also choose this name as the title for the blog as it is the name of a fanzine and web site that I ran, to some success and moderate acclaim - we won the SFX Fanzine of the Month no less!

The aim of this blog is to be a forum for me and all like-minded Star Wars fans to comment and discuss the greatest space-fantasy saga of them all. For me, I hope it will be both an opportunity to express my passion for Star Wars and explore some of my favourite aspects of the franchise. There will be a mix of things on here. Sometimes, it will be straightforward posts about some aspect of the Star Wars universe, other times I hope to post fan fiction - short stories and some unfinished works in progress for comment and review - and also take a look through some of my Star Wars collection and revisiting the fanzines that I produced in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Everyone is welcome to comment and contribute to this blog. You can add your comments by selecting the link at the bottom of each post. The comments are moderated although no one's opinions will be censored unless they contain bad or offensive language, so please feel free to rant and rave and get involved!

Finally a thank you to Derek or providing me with the inspiration and idea of setting up this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read that first paragraph, and it was just sounds. It was like, 'These sounds are sort of like words aren't they? Isn't that interesting.' I guess that's how you might feel when I start in on the prajnaparamita and so forth on my Buddhist blog.

Whole new world!